You don't have to be a blogger to join Beau Bloggers, anyone is welcome! The beautiful Izzy and I are admin and we have one more space for anyone who wants to join the admin team!
- What do we do?
We talk about the things we love and our daily lives! I'll have 3 people coordinating the group including myself. I'll be throwing great things in such as:
- A weekly newsletter telling you all about the latest trends and fashion news
- Convo's and forums about fashion art and fashion
- Regular chats using whatever platform everyone has
- Guest posts with some of you
- Much more!
2. Who do we want?
- Bloggers who like art and fashion (At least one of them)
- People who read this blog
- People who would like to do blog posts for this blog
- People who would like people featured in blog posts
- People who want blogger friends
3. How do you join?
- Contact me via any social network.
- Instagram and twitter - @efyalaurenxox
- You can email me:
- Or simply drop me a comment below!
4. Things to include when you contact me:
- Your name and age (As obvious as it sounds some people don't do it)
- What are your hobbies and interests
- Do you have a blog? Link it down in the message.
- Would you like to be one of my 2 admin?
- A brief paragraph about you.
Please join, the more members, the more fun we can have!