Saturday, 25 January 2014

Beauty has no skin tone.

I made this post today because things are happening around us that we need to be aware of and in some cases stop. Like seriously guys what is this team light skinned vs team dark skinned thing. It shouldn't be trending on twitter like it's a good subject because it is not. The title is beauty has no skin colour. I decided to write this post because as a dark skinned girl, I sometimes do get comments that aren't very nice. I'm London born but one of my parents were born in Ghana and the others parents were born in Ghana so my background is Ghana and I have to say that if you know me well you'd know that I love my country - obsessed with African music, African videos, African fashion & everything African. We should not judge a person by how light or dark they are because it's not fair to be honest. People always pick fun at those who have dark skin and that makes them isolate themselves from everyone else, I think dark skin is beautiful and I'd call myself beautiful because I love my dark skin. Yes, the comments come occasionally but I ignore them. I go to a normal secondary school in London, I really like it and it's going okay but there are a few girls who are supposed to be my friends who sometimes or very rarely make jokes about my skin colour and I try to laugh it off but it's like what is your problem? As a girl who attends secondary school in this day and age you would of heard the word 'blick'. I don't want to explain what it means because I don't like the word so google it. The word annoys me but I don't show it. It's a horrible word that shouldn't be used because it hurts people. All skin colours are beautiful but I'm going to be focusing on dark skin because when making jokes and hurting people it's the one they use the most. All you can do is be yourself and love who you are as a person, if you're confident.. Forget everybody else, they don't matter. Life is full of judgemental people and people who hate certain things over others. "you can be the ripest peach in the world, and there's still gonna be somebody who hates peaches." Being dark skin is nothing to be ashamed about, to me dark skin is beautiful, I'm not just saying that. People judge because they don't know any better, we're human. It's only up to you to overcome perception and show how beautiful darkskin girls really are. Be an example. There are many darkskin girls all over the world who feel just as insecure about the color of their skin. Guys, I'd like to leave you with the quote 'beauty has NO skin colour'. 

Lauren x

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