Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Why I love fashion illustration and why you should too.

Sorry for not posting Monday guys. Honestly I don't think I can keep up with posting everyday. Every two days yes but everyday no. I'd like to but I seriously can't, I've even tried. With school and other stuff I can't but when there is a day that I don't post I'll make sure there is 2 or more posts the next day to make up for it. So today is Monday's post. 

This post is on my love for fashion illustration. I've been drawing for about 5 years now however I've been fashion illustrating for about 3 years. Those 3 years have been a really interesting time because I never thought I'd be good at it for some reason but I learnt and I'm still learning. 

I love fashion illustration because of the easiness. It's just like a designer but minus the sewing, pattern cutting and technical stuff. I'm not trained in that area as much, I will be eventually but for now it's just drawing and creating life on paper which I love. 

Fashion illustrators earn a lot of money, I also want to learn CAD (Computer Aided Design) because I still do the old fashion way (on paper). 

To be honest if I was making clothes everyday I'd get so bored. I like fashion illustration because it's all drawing and currently it's what I'm best at. Fashion designers also draw but 90% of their job is making. Some also hire illustrators to draw for them. 

Laurey xo

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