Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Black hair corner: What I use for my Box Braids

I've been meaning to do this post for a long time so here it is! This is going to be a whole post on what's on my head! 

In the previous black hair corner post I talked briefly about them and what I did. Plaiting box braids for me was £40 and took 6 hours. I honestly think that she didn't charge enough for the work she did but hey, discount for me right? 

Firstly I'd like to show you guys what I used. The hair I used was called expressions and it's cheap but of good quality. Priced at £1.99 you can't miss it in black hair shops. I used colour 4 (Black) and 99J (A reddish brown). It is one of the best packs for braiding and twisting it's also very good because you can curl it. 

For those of you who don't know... The name box braids is there because they part the hair in a box and plait it :). 

After plaiting all the way down (5 hours) my hairdresser boiled hot water and soaked the ends of my braids to secure them. 

I'm a massive fan of olive oil products and after using them for years I can say that they're a safe brand to look into and their products really do help you. Everyday after styling my braids I use olive oil sheen spray which gives it that desired shine after you've been fiddling around with it: 

I also do my edges (Baby hairs). You'll find these on the edges of your head. These hairs are too small to be braided so they are left however after a while they get picky and messy so I use styling gel and a tooth brush just to mould it down. I might do a tutorial on that actually. 

If you have Afro Caribbean hair and need any help call me! I'm not an expert but I can give you a few good tips. 

Lauren x

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