So, I got a main and she's beautiful. I'm gonna talk about her real soon but let's just go through my friendship experience. Grab yourself a cuppa tea booboo, this might be a long one.
Disclaimer; A lot of you reading know me personally so I've not put any names of those who might be offended.
Moving away swiftly I joined another group, now this was the group that really made me feel like a salad in McDonald's. I was the only black girl in the group, there was one Asian but she's not black? I felt that they didn't go out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable but I just did? They also dropped little sleezy comments about my skin tone sometimes which was really unfair. Soon enough they started planning days out without me and all sorts. That was when I gave up on "friends" and just wanted to be on my own.
However I didn't know that one of the girls in that group was actually Fed up with their BS just like me. So when me and her got talking we slowly branched away from that group and just talked by ourselves most times.
The next post is entitled "How to spot fake friends EARLY". So watch out for that lol. I didn't find them early enough!
Now, at the beginning of year 10. I started hanging with who that girl was hanging with, then I was hanging with who that girl was hanging with. We became a clique of 5 which was great. Now as it's the big year we're all revising and nobody sees each other so it's broken us up a bit but this post is dedicated to a special someone.
Through meeting her I've found out that good things come to those who wait lol. I've also found out that one is plenty. She's got so many different personalities, it's like loads of people in one, does that make sense? Lol. She's been my friend for 2 years now and We're not like the Instagram models that have been friends for 10 but I know we soon will be because she's that amazing. We think alike, we finish each others sandwiches and we're both there for each other. What more could I want lol!? She's there in every single Relationship fail, she's there at every 2 am I can't sleep situation and she's there when I just need to cry. She's become family to be honest. She knows more about me than my mum does which is downright creepy but quite funny at the same time. Now, you may not have found someone like this. You might want someone like this. I had to make two main changes.
1. Change your attitude to the way you see people.
2. Be approachable
Stop noticing their flaws straight away, because there's much more to a person than how they look. She's absolutely stunning in my opinion but this is something to think about. Opposites attract so if she's slightly less made up and simple you might bond over sharing tips and beauty products and so on. I know that me and Micha are constantly shopping for cosmetics and that's one of the things that makes us super fun.
In any type of relationship this is key. Sometimes smile, not everyday look like a mean Instagram baddie. It's very easy for people to make assumptions based on what they've heard you say or seen you do even one time. She's already told me that she was scared of me and I have no idea why!
Anyway guys, thank you for reading. The next post will be on "How to spot fake friends". Lol more tea for you to be sippppingggg. I'll post that tomorrow so keep an eye out.
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