Sunday, 16 October 2016


I'm back to answer many questions about the blog, what is going on with the blog and what is yet to happen?

Hey guys, today is just a little short blog update. I do blog updates because I love my readers, followers on every platform and you guys deserve to know what is going on! So, since I started school again in September it really hasn't allowed time for me to get back on the blog so I decided to devise a timetable and hopefully it'll work. From now on I'll be blogging two to three times a week and this will be usually on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and one day out of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 

I do have a lot lined up for the blog and for myself really, I'm thinking about changing the blog name for the second time lol, but I haven't entirely been only blogging about drawing so I was thinking about changing it to a more universal name that reflects everything that is blogged about. 

Apart from that I've got new content and some new series that will be going on! I've decided to start a Textiles and History of Art series. These are two of the three subjects I take in school and this is just going to be some subject help along the way to guide anyone that does these subjects or similar subjects. The subject content is hardly different from things like fine art, graphics and design technology. I will post on this about once a week. 

I will still be showing you guys my illustrations and all the upcoming projects i'm doing and so on and even events I go to! I had a series called Beauty Thursdays, this will now just be on any day that I can blog as Thursdays I am in school from 9 - 4:30 and when I get home I'm literally so exhausted. I will also be continuing The people series, because it seemed like a lot of people liked it and could relate to it. 

Thank you guys so much for reading and please remember to check for blog posts on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and over the weekend. 

Lauren x

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