Sunday 31 January 2016

Blog update

Hey everyone, it's been a while hasn't it... I've been away for the whole of January trying to plan 2016. So here's what I came up with.

  • I'll be blogging once a week - If I blog more than once a week it'll honestly just be a lucky day. It's all I can cope with as i'm preparing for summer exams. I didn't like the fact of completely neglecting my blog until August so I decided to do the best I can and blog once or twice a week. 
  • I'm preparing for Youtube - Those of you who read my blog updates will know that I have been saying I was going to start Youtube for about 2 years now. The problem was with inadequate material and just a front camera iPod, I wasn't getting the quality I wanted so I pulled out. This year someone special has agreed to help me save towards getting a great camera, some lights and it'll soon be action! 
  • My Art is taking a strange turn - You guys may see that I'm posting less art. To be honest it is really because I have no idea what is going on. I only draw if I have time on weekends now, so that has drastically contributed. Also I find myself thinking ages before I can get anything down on paper which just isn't good. A weird case of drawers block. 
So just stay around and keep watch for my posts, to be the first to see them you can subscribe to get an email feed, follow on Bloglovin, Join an amazing blogging group created by me: Beau Bloggers to see the greatest blog posts from awesome bloggers and also to see my posts first. You can find these all on the right side of my blog. 

Lauren x

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