Sunday, 24 August 2014

Where to send your fashion sketches?

You draw almost like a pro. You do it everyday. It's your passion, your life. However your confined to your own space with your designs in your little folder. Ever asked yourself where can I send my illustrations? Read on my lovelies. Hopefully this helps.

1. Mewze

I recently created a blog post on this so you guys can go and check that out over here: I won't talk much, head over to the post.

2. Open up and network yourself!

If you want your illustrations recognized and you don't have a facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr or at least one of them you're not serious. If you aren't socializing then you are your own problem here! Use hashtags in everything. That way, people find people that like or are doing the same things. You also meet new people.

3. Have some sort of E-Portfolio

I have a portfolio tab at the top of my blog for my use and also if others want to look. This is extremely helpful when people want to see what you do. There are many E-portfolio hosts online some are free and some aren't.

4. Find the big blogs and big names

You need to do a little research and networking. Don't be afraid. Hassle them. Be constantly emailing Chanel and Gucci because that is the only way they'll notice you!

5. Build links in the fashion industry

Nowadays, the truth is no matter how hard you work all industries will always be based on who you know. Now I don't know many teens who know a lot of people in the industry personally so you have to build the links yourself! See Ellen from Design Union? Say Hi, tell her your aim and drop your portfolio link. See Martin from CSM? Find his email and tell him how much you want to go the uni and drop your portfolio. It's all down to you. One idea; Find the directory of fashion designers. Find their emails and just mass email them Lol.

6. KNOW your FACTS.

Before claiming the spotliight, know your facts.

  • Know who is who in the industry
  • Know who does what
  • Know the different roles played
  • Know how they work 
  • Know the trends 
  • Know the language 
  • Know the ways 
Some people (especially famous people) have no pity whatsoever on new designers so they expect you to know everything because the niche that we're in is extremely competitive. So know your facts like the back of your hand. This will make you look extremely professional and ready for anything.

7. Make your email professional.

Your Email is the one thing you will always need. The Email you have defines you. EG: 
  • You Email Chanel with your portfolio link
  • Your email is
  1. Your Email is ridiculous so they won't bother opening it.
  2. They'll think you're spam.
  3. They'll move you to the trash.


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